Meeting with the representatives of some UN member countries and informing them about the conditions of the LGBTQ+ community in Iran

Another activity of the 6rang team during the meeting of the Human Rights Council at the UN headquarters in Geneva was to meet with some representatives of the member states.
In these meetings, we tried to inform the representatives of the countries concerned about the conditions of human rights in Iran about violating the rights of the LGBT+ community during the revolutionary uprising of Jinnah and the increase in hate speech against this community. These meetings help the countries in question to determine their policy in economic, cultural, or even political cooperation according to the performance of the Islamic Republic. In the latest periodic review of human rights conditions in Iran, 11 countries recommended the Islamic Republic end the criminalization of same-sex sexual relations and stop discrimination or violence against sexual and gender minorities, according to the 6rang meetings and awareness campaigns. It is hoped that in future human rights review sessions in Iran, more countries will hold the Islamic Republic of Iran accountable for violating the rights of sexual and gender minorities.