Take Action

Report incidents of rights violations or violence against LGBTI people

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Your safety is our first priority. Therefore, your identity and any information that leads to your identification, whether as a reporter or as a victim of discrimination or violence, will not be shared with anyone. Please note that at the end of this form you will receive a code for submitting future updates. Please store this code safely.


Time of incident
Location of incident
Area or village
Place of incident
Are you reporting an incident related to yourself, or other person(s)?


About You

Details of the person or persons whose rights have been violated

Sexual Orientation
What's your relationship with this person?
Others Affected

If in addition to you, this incident has happened to other(s) as well, please add their details

If this incident affects more than one person, please add the additional person's details

Add Another Person


How did you find out about this incident?
How did the incident you are reporting occur?
Who was the person(s), or institution that violated the right?
Have you been harmed as result of this incident? If so, how?
Was the person(s) you are reporting about harmed as result of this incident? If so, how?
Did anyone try to help you?
Did anyone try to help the person(s) you are reporting about?
Have you contacted the police or sought legal recourse?
Did the person(s) you are reporting about contact the police or seek legal recourse?
Are you still at risk?
Is the person(s) you are reporting about still at risk?
Are you currently safe and in a secure place?
Is the person(s) you are reporting about currently safe and in a secure place?
Would you like to receive legal or psychological counsel?
Would the person(s) you are reporting about like to receive legal or psychological counsel?

We may need to contact you to follow up on the incident or provide counseling. Please enter your WhatsApp number or Signal number, or an email address.

Optional: Upload images or videos to document your report. Maximum File Size: 256MB. Supported formats: .jpg .gif .png .pdf .mov and .mp4 If your file is larger than 256MB, please provide us with your contact information so we can contact you directly about securely sending your attachments to us.

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